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  • Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language
    Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

    • 作者:Marianne Celce-Murcia, Heinle
    • 版次:3
    • ISBN:978-0-8384-1992-2
    • 出版时间:2001-12-31



Description & Features

Now in its third edition, this best selling methodology resource gives both experienced and prospective teachers the theoretical background and practical applications they need to succeed.

  • New personal contributions from more than 40 acknowledged specialists in the field.
  • With a focus on the learner and attention to the socio-cultural influences on language learning, "The Apple Book" covers methodolgy, language skills, integrated approaches, learner variables, and teacher skills.
  • Eight new chapters include "Computers in Language Training," "Syllabus Design," "Cognitive Approaches to Grammar Instruction," "Styles and Strategies of Language Learners," "Building Awareness and Practical Skills to Facilitate Cross-cultural Communication," and more.
  • Ideal for classroom and/or personal use, this text includes discussion questions and activities, methods, materials, and resources for extra information.
  • Each chapter lists useful references and Web sites for additional information on the topics.

