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  • Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English

    • 作者:Collins COBUILD
    • 版次:1
    • ISBN:978-1-4240-0363-1
    • 出版时间:2007-12-31


Description & Features

With innovations such as DefinitionsPLUS and vocabulary builders, the Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of American English transforms the learner\'s dictionary from an occasional reference into the ultimate resource and must-have dictionary for language learners. The definitions have been created using a controlled vocabulary, and each definition has been reviewed by a team of classroom teachers to ensure that they are appropriate for learners at the intermediate level.

  • Each definition is written using the high-frequency words and naturally occuring grammatical patterns native speakers actually use, making every entry a model of how to use the language appropriately.
  • 250 "Word Webs" present related vocabulary within a context.
  • 50 "Picture Dictionary" boxes illustrate vocabulary and concepts.
  • 1,150 "Word Partnerships" show high-frequency word patterns.
  • 725 "Thesaurus" boxes offer both synonyms and antonym for the target word.
  • 1,500 "Word Link" boxes "Word Links" highlight the most common prefixes, suffixes, and word roots of the target word.
  • 100 "Usage" notes clarify the use of commonly misused words and other confusing language, and explain cultural references.
  • The Interactive CD-ROM component allows learners to access their complete dictionary electronically, including vocabulary builders, an audio pronunciation component, and the personalized "My Dictionary" feature to add new words and definitions.


About The Authors

Through a collaborative initiative, Collins COBUILD and Heinle are co-publishing a dynamic new line of learner\'s dictionaries offering unparalleled pedagogy and learners\' resources. The first Collins COBUILD dictionary was published in 1987, thanks in part to John Sinclair, one of the very first modern corpus linguists who personally oversaw the creation of the Bank of English. Every COBUILD dictionary is based on the Bank of English, a huge electronic database of both written and spoken language, which today contains over 650 million words.
