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  • 中国文史

    • 作者:Shouhui Zhao
    • 版次:1
    • ISBN:9789814246675
    • 出版时间:2010


China through the Dynasties provides a quick introduction to Chinese history in a simple and engaging manner. Through the use of a conversational style of writing, and a generous spread of beautiful photographs and illustrations, readers will find this an enjoyable read.
In this book, Chinese history is presented in a chronological order, starting with the earliest human activities in China and concluding with the end of the Qing dynasty. Most chapters are divided into three sections: The Dynastic Cycle, Social Development and Cultural Advancement. The Dynastic Cycle section outlines the key historical events of that period. The Social Development section summarizes the political and economic development of Chinese society in that particular period. The Cultural Advancement section introduces each period’s cultural development and achievements. Through this structured approach, readers are given a broad and balanced view of each dynasty.

An English summary provided at the beginning of each chapter gives readers a quick overview and highlights the key points for that chapter. Hanyu pinyin and English definitions are provided for difficult words.


While China through the Dynasties is primarily planned as an intermediate/advanced Chinese language course material or as extra curriculum reading material, it can also be a good read for the layman looking for an easier way to digest Chinese history.



序言 Preface


第一章        华夏概观——中国、中国人、中国文化
Chapter 1 An Introduction to China, Its People and Its Culture

China: A Discussion on its Origin


The Chinese People: Politics, Culture and Ethnicity


The Chinese Culture: Characteristics and Background

第二章        史前的中国——根基初创
Chapter 2 Prehistoric China: The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization

The Paleolithic Era: The Earliest Human Activities in China


The Neolithic Era: From Stone Tools to Pottery


Ancient Legends: Chinese Creation Myths

第三章      夏商——中华兴起
Chapter 3 The Xia and Shang Dynasties: The Rise of Chinese Civilization

The Xia Dynasty: An Embryonic Form of Governance


The Shang Dynasty: Slavery and Barter Trade


Cultural Advancement: Bronzeware and the Oracle Bone Script

第四章      周代——文明初奠
Chapter 4 The Zhou Dynasty: The Cornerstone of Chinese Civilization

The Dynastic Cycle: The Depraved Shang King and the Righteous Zhou King


Social Development: From Slavery to Feudalism


Cultural Advancement: The Code of Rites and the Beginning of Chinese Literature

第五章        先秦——诸子百家
Chapter 5 The Pre-Qin Period: The Philosopher Boom

Intellectual Freedom – Different Schools of Thought


Confucianism: The Way of Confucius and Mencius


Other Schools of Thought: Mohism, Taoism, Legalism and the Military Thought

第六章       秦代——文明悲歌
Chapter 6 The Qin Dynasty: A Costly Civilization

The Dynastic Cycle: The Unification of China


Social Development: Centralized Governance


Cultural Advancement: The Drive for Standardization

第七章        汉代——封建繁荣
Chapter 7 The Han Dynasty: A Prosperous Feudal Society

The Dynastic Cycle: Peasants in the Spotlight


社会发展——无为而治  尽享太平
Social Development: Peaceful Rule through Non-Action


文化进步——全面繁荣  影响深远
Cultural Advancement: A Prosperity with Far-reaching Influence

第八章      三国两晋南北朝——山河破碎
Chapter 8 The Three Kingdoms and the Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties

改朝换代——乱世春秋  英雄辈出
The Dynastic Cycle: The Age of Heroes


Social Development: The Integration of the Ethnic Groups


Cultural Advancement: Buddhist Art Grottoes

第九章      隋唐——盛世强音
Chapter 9 The Sui and Tang Dynasties: The Golden Age of China

隋代——好大喜功  自取灭亡
The Sui Dynasty: A Brief Reign of Self-aggrandizement


The Tang Dynasty: The Glorious Empire


Cultural Advancement: Tang Poems

第十章        宋元——华夏忧患
Chapter 10 The Song and Yuan Dynasties: Ages of Turbulence

宋代——朝廷软弱  城市繁荣
The Song Dynasty: A Weak Government with Prosperous Cities

元代——疆土广大  心胸狭小
The Yuan Dynasty: A Vast Territory Governed by Restrictive Rulers

文化进步——理学兴起  词画繁盛
Cultural Advancement: Neo-Confucianism and the Flourishing of Poetry and Painting

第十一章     明代——扬威万里
Chapter 11 The Ming Dynasty: A Glorious Empire

改朝换代——治国无方  元帝国短命而亡
The Dynastic Cycle: Destruction of the Yuan Dynasty


Social Development: Underdeveloped Commercialism


文化进步——国强出大典  民富兴科文
Cultural Advancement: Great Works by a Strong, Affluent Nation

第十二章     清代——晚运余辉
Chapter 12 The Qing Dynasty: Twilight Years

改朝换代——闯王造反  清军入关
The Dynastic Cycle: The Entrance of the Qing Army


社会发展——前清强盛  晚清没落
Social Development: A Strong Beginning but a Weak Ending


Cultural Advancement: Breaking Free from Fetters

附录 Appendices

(一) 中国地图 Map of China

(二) 中国历史朝代简表 A Brief Chronology of Chinese History

(三) 索引 Index

1. 作品名 Titles of Works


2. 人名与地名 Persons and Places


3. 历史文化典故词语 Literary Quotations


4. 一般知识 General Knowledge

(四) 参考文献 References