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  • 心理学研究方法

    原书名:Conducting Research in Psychology: Measuring the Weight of Smoke

    • 作者:Brett W. Pelham & Hart Blanton
    • 译者:高定国 等
    • 版次:3
    • ISBN:9787111412953
    • 出版时间:2013-02-01
    • 出版社:机械工业出版社
    • 定价:¥55 元




 HART BLANTON grew up as the second of three children in a small town in Appalachian Virginia. Hart received his B.A. from Virginia Tech in 1990 and received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1994. He worked on the second edition of this book while at SUNY, Albany, and the third edition while at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the fourth edition while at the University of Connecticut. The bulk of his research is on social influence and social communication. He has taught courses in research methods, social psychology, statistics, the self, social comparison, and social influence. Most recently, he has become interested in what he terms “negative psychology.” This he conceptualizes as the formal study of social structural and individual emotional factors that lead people to die before their time. He hopes to finish his work on this new research area very quickly because, well, one never knows. 

BRETT PELHAM grew up as the second of six children near the small town of Rossville, Georgia. Brett received his B.S. from Berry College in 1983 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1989. He wrote the first edition of this book while working as an associate professor at UCLA, and he is currently a program officer in social psychology at the National Science Foundation. The bulk of his research focuses on automatic social judgment and self-evaluation. He teaches courses in social psychology, research methods, statistics, social cognition, and the self-concept. In his spare time, he enjoys juggling, sculpting, listening to alternative rock music, cooking, and traveling. His two favorite activities while completing the latest revision of this textbook (in late July of 2011) were spending time with his 2.9-year-old daughter Brooklyn and his 8.5-year-old son Lincoln. Along with his wife LJ Pelham, he is co-inventor of the recently released card game PRIME. Along with his son Lincoln, he is co-inventor of the soon-to-be released card game Cliff-Hanger. Along with his daughter Brooklyn, he is coinventor of the not-so-soon-to-be-released card game It’s a Hat. You Like It? His most recent writing project is a novel tentatively entitled Elvis 2.0, which focuses on problems associated with the apparent resurrection of Elvis Presley.




第1章 我们如何认识世界

1.1 引言:这本书讲什么

1.2 人类知识简史

1.3 科学的四大准则

1.4 认识世界的四种方法


第2章 我们如何发现真相?科学发现的逻辑、艺术和伦理规范

2.1 科学发现的逻辑

2.2 科学发现的艺术

2.3 科学发现的伦理规范


第3章 从事实到真相:效度、信度和测量

3.1 三则轶事

3.2 效度

3.3 信度

3.4 信度、效度和"越高越好"规则

3.5 测量量尺


第4章 从概念到数字:心理测量

4.1 把概念转化成数字:两个主要挑战

4.2 反应转化阶段

4.3 从编写问题到制作量表


第5章 我们怎样曲解?对效度的常见威胁

5.1 一个奇怪又赚钱的故事

5.2 人是不同的

5.3 人会改变

5.4 研究人的程序会改变人

5.5 从三个威胁到两个威胁:混淆和人为因素


第6章 非实验研究设计

6.1 描述单个被试的世界:个案研究

6.2 描述世界大致状态:单变量研究

6.3 描述联系:多变量研究

6.4 档案研究

6.5 观察研究

6.6 混淆也可以测量


第7章 经过仔细计划的经验:实验研究设计

7.1 一个奇妙的方法

7.2 真实验简史

7.3 真实验的优势

7.4 真实验能反映现实吗

7.5 提高实验现实性有秘诀吗

7.6 内部效度和外部效度权衡

7.7 实验室研究指南


第8章 准实验设计

8.1 一个古老的故事

8.2 为什么选择准实验

8.3 准实验的类型

8.4 可比性

8.5 修补设计

8.6 当准实验和真实验冲突时


第9章 选择恰当研究设计

9.1 一部冷门电影

9.2 单因素设计

9.3 因子设计

9.4 被试内设计

9.5 混合模型设计


第10章 统计方法介绍

10.1 描述性统计

10.2 推断性统计

10.3 阳光下的瑕疵:影响显著性检验结果的因素

10.4 最新进展:替代统计假设检验


第11章 告诉世界它是什么

11.1 实证性研究论文的沙漏式写作方式

11.2 撰写研究论文的一些"规则"

11.3 如何做心理学报告(丹尼尔T.吉尔伯特)


第12章 运用所学知识:20个研究方法问题

附录A 动手实践

附录B 研究方法练习

附录C 如何描述统计分析的结果

附录D 心理学论文写作范例




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